
The University of Virginia is a community in which the ideals of freedom of inquiry, thought, and expression are respected and sustained. The University is committed to supporting the exercise of constitutionally protected expression in University-controlled facilities and property while maintaining a safe atmosphere free from disruption. The University has issued a "Statement on Free Expression and Free Inquiry," available here

The University has established requirements for use of its facilities and property in order to focus on its mission, provide a safe environment, and preserve the aesthetics of the Grounds.

The use of University facilities and property must

  • not impede student education, academic activities, research, patient care, scheduled events, University functions, residences, or the faculty/staff work environment
  • be safe for participants and not generate security issues
  • and preserve the integrity and aesthetics of the University’s property.

Featured News

June 3, 2024: Writing for The Conversation, Rachel Wahl, an associate professor in the University of Virginia’s School of Education and Human Development, examines how college professors can en

May 1, 2024: A standing room only crowd of more than 150 University of Virginia community members filled Nau Hall’s auditorium Tuesday afternoon to hear from a pair of Dartmouth College professors

February 7, 2024: University of Virginia President Jim Ryan has assembled a committee of a dozen members who will consider whether, when, and/or how the University as an institution should weigh in

Report an Incident

You may report an incident of disruption of constitutionally protected speech (including, but not limited to distribution of literature or public speaking under the University’s Use of University Facilities or Property, and Limits on Direct Solicitation and Advertising Policy) in the following ways:

For non-emergency incidents, you may file a report online through

Current University students and employees

Non-UVA students and employees


These tools can be used to report a variety of incidents, not only those related to free speech. Please follow the links for more information.


Report by telephone to the Associate Vice President for Safety and Security: 434-243-5636

For emergency incidents that require a public safety response, call 9-1-1.